diff --git a/assets/hifi_multiqc_config.yaml b/assets/hifi_multiqc_config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c90beaa232e572fe9c861ca2133952ea4f95c61d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/hifi_multiqc_config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+report_comment: >
+    This report has been generated by the <a href="https://forgemia.inra.fr/genotoul-bioinfo/metagwgs" target="_blank">genotoul-bioinfo/metagwgs</a>
+    analysis pipeline. For information about how to interpret these results, please see the
+    <a href="https://forgemia.inra.fr/genotoul-bioinfo/metagwgs" target="_blank">documentation</a>.
+  - "hifi_"
+  - 'reads_'
+  - '.count_reads_on_contigs'
+  - '_scaffolds'
+  - '.txt'
+  - '.contigs'
+  - '.sort'
+  - "cleaned_"
+  - "raw_"
+  - '_kept_contigs'
+  - '.no_filter'
+  - '_kaiju_MEM_verbose'
+  - "_select_contigs_cpm"
+  - '.host_filter'
+    - fastqc:
+        name: 'FastQC (raw)'
+        path_filters_exclude:
+            - '*cleaned_*.zip'
+    - samtools:
+        name : 'Reads before host reads filter'
+        info: 'This section reports of the reads alignement against host genome.'
+        path_filters:
+            - '*.no_filter.flagstat'
+    - samtools:
+        name : 'Reads after host reads filter'
+        info: 'This section reports of the cleaned reads alignement against host genome.'
+        path_filters:
+            - '*.host_filter.flagstat'
+    - fastqc:
+        name: 'FastQC (cleaned)'
+        info: 'This section of the report shows FastQC after removing reads mapping the host genome.'
+        path_filters:
+            - '*cleaned_*.zip'
+    - kaiju
+    - quast:
+        name: 'Quast primary assembly'
+        info: 'This section of the report shows quast results after assembly.'
+        path_filters:
+            - '*quast_primary/*/report.tsv'
+    - quast:
+        name: 'Quast filtered assembly'
+        info: 'This section of the report shows quast results after assembly filtering.'
+        path_filters:
+            - '*quast_filtered/*/report.tsv'
+    - prokka:
+        name: 'Structural annotation'
+        info: 'This section of the report shows structural annotations results. CDS are predicted using Prodigal, rRNA using Barrnap and tRNA using tRNAscan-se.'
+    - featureCounts
+    - custom_content:
+        name: 'Binning results'
+        info: 'This section of the report shows quast results after binning the contigs into species genomes'
+        path_filters:
+            - '*mqc.tsv'
+  stats_table:
+    order: -1000
+  bins_quality:
+    order: -1010
+  bins_quality_count:
+    order: -1020
+  bins_quality_size:
+    order: -1030
+  binning_heatmap:
+    order: -1040
+  software_versions:
+    order: -1050
+prokka_fn_snames: True
+prokka_table: True
+  fn: '*.summary'
+  shared: true
+  FastQC (raw):
+        percent_duplicates: False
+        percent_gc: False
+  Structural annotation:
+        organism: False
diff --git a/assets/multiqc_config.yaml b/assets/multiqc_config.yaml
index fc5eb8eb127cf58a61e5b290ea7c552ae75bac65..c24c30505a78be352c69bfa26da761ff23615535 100644
--- a/assets/multiqc_config.yaml
+++ b/assets/multiqc_config.yaml
@@ -69,11 +69,14 @@ module_order:
             - './final_assembly_flagstat/*'
     - prokka:
+        name: 'Structural annotation'
+        info: 'This section of the report shows structural annotations results. CDS are predicted using Prodigal, rRNA using Barrnap and tRNA using tRNAscan-se.'
         - './prokka_report/*'
     - featureCounts:
-        - './featureCounts_report/*'
+            - './featureCounts_report/*'
+            - '*.count_reads_on_contigs.flagstat'
     - custom_content:
         name: 'Binning results'
         info: 'This section of the report shows quast results after binning the contigs into species genomes'
@@ -106,11 +109,12 @@ featurecounts:
   fn: '*.summary'
   shared: true
   FastQC (raw):
         percent_duplicates: False
         percent_gc: False
-  prokka:
+  Structural annotation:
         organism: False
   Reads alignment on unfiltered assembly:
         mapped_passed_pct: True
@@ -141,3 +145,4 @@ table_columns_visible:
 #   - hide
 # show_hide_patterns:
 #   -  ["_R1", "_R2"]
diff --git a/assets/sr_multiqc_config.yaml b/assets/sr_multiqc_config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..18076ef26f91725b93b078a45c22cdaa7e1de3e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/sr_multiqc_config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+report_comment: >
+    This report has been generated by the <a href="https://forgemia.inra.fr/genotoul-bioinfo/metagwgs" target="_blank">genotoul-bioinfo/metagwgs</a>
+    analysis pipeline. For information about how to interpret these results, please see the
+    <a href="https://forgemia.inra.fr/genotoul-bioinfo/metagwgs" target="_blank">documentation</a>.
+  - "cleaned_"
+  - "raw_"
+  - '_kept_contigs'
+  - '.count_reads_on_contigs'
+  - '.no_filter'
+  - '.host_filter'
+  - '_scaffolds'
+  - '.txt'
+  - '.contigs'
+  - '.sort'
+  - '_kaiju_MEM_verbose'
+  - '_sickle'
+  - '_cutadapt'
+  - "_select_contigs_cpm"
+  - cutadapt
+    - fastqc:
+        name: 'FastQC (raw)'
+        path_filters_exclude:
+            - '*cleaned_*.zip'
+    - cutadapt
+    - sickle:
+        path_filters:
+            - '*_sickle.log'
+    - samtools:
+        name : 'Reads before host reads filter'
+        info: 'This section reports of the reads alignement against host genome with bwa.'
+        path_filters:
+            - '*.no_filter.flagstat'
+    - samtools:
+        name : 'Reads after host reads filter'
+        info: 'This section reports of the cleaned reads alignement against host genome with bwa.'
+        path_filters:
+            - '*.host_filter.flagstat'
+    - fastqc:
+        name: 'FastQC (cleaned)'
+        info: 'This section of the report shows FastQC results after adapter trimming and cleaning.'
+        path_filters:
+            - '*cleaned_*.zip'
+    - kaiju
+    - quast:
+        name: 'Quast primary assembly'
+        info: 'This section of the report shows quast results after assembly'
+        path_filters:
+            - '*quast_primary/*/report.tsv'
+    - quast:
+        name: 'Quast filtered assembly'
+        info: 'This section of the report shows quast results after filtering of assembly'
+        path_filters:
+            - '*quast_filtered/*/report.tsv'
+    - samtools:
+        name : 'Reads after deduplication'
+        info: 'This section reports of deduplicated reads alignement against contigs with bwa.'
+        path_filters:
+            - '*.count_reads_on_contigs.flagstat'
+    - prokka:
+        name: 'Structural annotation'
+        info: 'This section of the report shows structural annotations results. CDS are predicted using Prodigal, rRNA using Barrnap and tRNA using tRNAscan-se.'
+    - featureCounts
+    - featureCounts
+    - custom_content:
+        name: 'Binning results'
+        info: 'This section of the report shows quast results after binning the contigs into species genomes'
+        path_filters:
+            - '*mqc.tsv'
+  stats_table:
+    order: -1000
+  bins_quality:
+    order: -1010
+  bins_quality_count:
+    order: -1020
+  bins_quality_size:
+    order: -1030
+  binning_heatmap:
+    order: -1040
+  software_versions:
+    order: -1050
+prokka_fn_snames: True
+prokka_table: True
+  fn: '*.summary'
+  shared: true
+  FastQC (raw):
+        percent_duplicates: False
+        percent_gc: False
+  Structural annotation:
+        organism: False
diff --git a/bin/Filter_contig_per_cpm.py b/bin/Filter_contig_per_cpm.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 9127e57e3e0a1de965e97422adb819377210f94a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/Filter_contig_per_cpm.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-  Script Name: Filter_contig_per_cpm.py
-  Description: Calculates the CPM normalization of mapped reads for each \
-               contig and returns contigs which have a CPM > cutoff in .fa.
-  Input files: Samtools idxstats output file, .fasta file of contigs.
-  Created By:  Joanna Fourquet
-  Date:        2020-04-01
-# Metadata
-__author__ = 'Joanna Fourquet \
-- GenPhySE - Team NED'
-__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2020 INRA'
-__license__ = 'GNU General Public License'
-__version__ = '0.1'
-__email__ = 'support.bioinfo.genotoul@inra.fr'
-__status__ = 'dev'
-# Status: dev
-# Modules importation
-    import argparse
-    import sys
-    import pandas as p
-    import numpy as np
-    from Bio.Seq import Seq
-    from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
-    import pprint
-    from Bio import SeqIO
-except ImportError as error:
-    print(error)
-    exit(1)
-# Function
-def cpm(counts):
-    N = np.sum(counts.iloc[:,2], axis=0)
-    C = counts.iloc[:,2]
-    cpm_values = 1e6 * C / N
-    return(cpm_values)
-def main(argv):
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument("-i", "--samtools_idxstats", \
-    required = True, help = "samtools idxstats file containing contig id, \
-    sequence length, number of mapped reads or fragments, \
-    number of unmapped reads or fragments")
-    parser.add_argument('-f', '--fasta_file', required = True, help = \
-    'fasta file containing sequences of contigs.')
-    parser.add_argument("-c", "--cutoff_cpm", required = True, \
-    help = "Minimum number of reads in a contig")
-    parser.add_argument("-s", "--select", \
-    help = "Name of outpout .fa file containing contigs which passed cpm cutoff")
-    parser.add_argument("-d", "--discard", \
-    help = "Name of outpout .fa file containing contigs which don't passed cpm cutoff")
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    # Read input table
-    raw_counts = p.read_table(args.samtools_idxstats,sep ='\t',header = None, comment="*")
-    # Calculates cpm for each contig
-    res_cpm = cpm(raw_counts)
-    cutoff = float(args.cutoff_cpm)
-    # Contigs with nb reads > cutoff
-    kept_contigs = raw_counts.iloc[np.where(res_cpm >= cutoff)[0],0]
-    # Contigs with nb reads < cutoff
-    unkept_contigs = raw_counts.iloc[np.where(res_cpm < cutoff)[0],0]
-    # Write new fasta files with kept and unkept contigs
-    with open(args.fasta_file, "rU") as fasta_file,\
-        open(args.select, "w") as out_select_handle,\
-        open(args.discard, "w") as out_discard_handle:
-        for record in SeqIO.parse(fasta_file, "fasta"):
-            try :
-                contig_id = record.id
-                if(contig_id in list(kept_contigs)):
-                    SeqIO.write(record, out_select_handle, "fasta")
-                else:
-                    if(contig_id in list(unkept_contigs)):
-                        SeqIO.write(record, out_discard_handle, "fasta")
-            except :
-                print ("Warning input fasta file: contig " + record.id + " issue")
-                pass
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main(sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/bin/Rename_contigs_and_genes.py b/bin/Rename_contigs_and_genes.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 7d0e94d4a9de9e5af57d1ebcd1b6ea0922f57acd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/Rename_contigs_and_genes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-  Script Name: Rename_contigs_and_genes.py
-  Description: Rename contigs and genes in GFF, FAA and FFN
-               files generated by PROKKA.
-  Input files:
-               GFF, FAA and FFN files produced by PROKKA.
-  Created By:  Celine Noirot and Joanna Fourquet
-  Date:        2019-06-12
-# Metadata
-__author__ = 'Celine Noirot and Joanna Fourquet \
-- Plateforme bioinformatique Toulouse'
-__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2019 INRA'
-__license__ = 'GNU General Public License'
-__version__ = '0.1'
-__email__ = 'support.bioinfo.genotoul@inra.fr'
-__status__ = 'dev'
-# Status: dev
-# Modules importation
-    import argparse
-    from BCBio import GFF
-    from Bio.Seq import Seq
-    from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
-    from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature, FeatureLocation
-    import pprint
-    from BCBio.GFF import GFFExaminer
-    from Bio import SeqIO
-except ImportError as error:
-    print(error)
-    exit(1)
-# Manage parameters
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = \
-'Script which rename contigs and genes in GFF, FAA and FFN files generated by PROKKA.')
-parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', required = True, help = \
-'GFF file generated by PROKKA.')
-parser.add_argument('-faa', '--fastaFile', required = True, \
-help = 'Fasta of predicted sequence (aa) generated by PROKKA (FAA).')
-parser.add_argument('-ffn', '--ffnFile', required = True, \
-help = 'Fasta of predicted sequence (nuc) generated by PROKKA (FFN).')
-parser.add_argument('-fna', '--fnaFile', required = True, \
-help = 'Fasta of contigs generated by PROKKA.')
-parser.add_argument('-p', '--prefix', required = True, \
-help = 'Contig name prefix.')
-parser.add_argument('-oGFF', '--outGFFFile', required = True, \
-help = 'Name of output GFF file.')
-parser.add_argument('-oFAA', '--outFAAFile', required = True, \
-help = 'Filename of renamed predicted fasta sequences (aa).')
-parser.add_argument('-oFFN', '--outFFNFile', required = True, \
-help = 'Filename of renamed predicted fasta sequences (nuc).')
-parser.add_argument('-oFNA', '--outFNAFile', required = True, \
-help = 'Filename of renamed contig sequences (nuc).')
-parser.add_argument('-oprottable', '--outProtein', default = "protein_table.csv", \
-help = 'Filename for protein names correspondance table.')
-parser.add_argument('-oconttable', '--outContig', default = "contig_table.csv", \
-help = 'Filename for contig names correspondance table.')
-args = parser.parse_args()
-# Variable names informations:
-# prot: corresponds to proteins
-# ctg: corresponds to contigs
-# Variables initialization.
-prot_names = {}
-contig_renames = {}
-ctg_prefix = args.prefix
-prot_prefix = "Prot_"
-to_write = []
-# lecture fna
-#contig_renames [ald_name]=newname
-#reecriture du fasta
-with open(args.fnaFile, "r") as fnaFile,\
-    open(args.outFNAFile, "w") as outFNA_handle:
-    for record in SeqIO.parse(fnaFile, "fasta"):
-        try :
-            old_ctg_name = record.id
-            new_ctg_name = ctg_prefix + "_c" + old_ctg_name.split("_")[-1]
-            contig_renames[old_ctg_name] = new_ctg_name
-            record.id = contig_renames[old_ctg_name]
-            record.description = record.description.replace(old_ctg_name,"")
-            SeqIO.write(record, outFNA_handle, "fasta")
-        except :
-            print ("Warning FNA file : contig " + record.id + " discarded, no new name defined")
-            pass
-with open(args.file) as gffFile,\
-    open(args.outGFFFile, "w") as out_handle,\
-    open(args.outProtein, "w") as fh_prot_table,\
-    open(args.outContig, "w") as fh_cont_table,\
-    open(args.outContig + ".sed", "w") as fh_cont_sed:
-    for rec in GFF.parse(gffFile):
-        # Access to contig id
-        old_ctg_name = rec.id
-        new_ctg_name = contig_renames[old_ctg_name]
-        rec.id = new_ctg_name
-        fh_cont_table.write(old_ctg_name + "\t" + new_ctg_name + "\n")
-        fh_cont_sed.write("s/" + old_ctg_name + "/" + new_ctg_name + "/\n")
-        # Access to features
-        for f_index,feature in enumerate(rec.features):
-            if(not(feature.qualifiers['source'][0].startswith("minced"))):
-                #Generate correspondance
-                old_prot_name = feature.qualifiers['ID'][0].replace("_gene","")
-                prot_number =  old_prot_name.split("_")[-1]
-                subfeat_types = {subfeat.type for subfeat in feature.sub_features}
-                assert len(subfeat_types) == 1, f'Subfeature have different types {subfeat_types}' 
-                subfeat_type = subfeat_types.pop()
-                new_prot_name = f"{new_ctg_name}.{subfeat_type}_{prot_number}"
-                prot_names[old_prot_name] = new_prot_name
-                fh_prot_table.write(old_prot_name + "\t" + new_prot_name + "\n")
-                #Initialize field of "gene" feature (the parent)
-                rec.features[f_index].qualifiers["ID"] = new_prot_name + "_gene"
-                rec.features[f_index].qualifiers["locus_tag"] = [new_prot_name]
-                #Annotations (not prokka lines) are in sub_features
-                for fsub_index,sub_feature in enumerate(feature.sub_features):
-                    # Update ID
-                    rec.features[f_index].sub_features[fsub_index].qualifiers["ID"] = new_prot_name
-                    rec.features[f_index].sub_features[fsub_index].qualifiers["Parent"] = []
-                    rec.features[f_index].sub_features[fsub_index].qualifiers["locus_tag"] = [new_prot_name]
-                    rec.features[f_index].sub_features[fsub_index].qualifiers["protein_id"] = [new_prot_name]
-        to_write.append(rec)
-    #Write only one time
-    #print (to_write)
-    GFF.write(to_write, out_handle)
-with open(args.fastaFile, "r") as handle,\
-    open(args.outFAAFile, "w") as outFasta_handle:
-    for record in SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta"):
-        try :
-            old = record.id
-            record.id = prot_names[record.id]
-            record.description = record.description.replace(old + " ","")
-            SeqIO.write(record, outFasta_handle, "fasta")
-        except :
-            print ("Warning FAA file : protein " + record.id + " discarded, no new name defined")
-            pass
-with open(args.ffnFile, "r") as handle,\
-    open(args.outFFNFile, "w") as outFFN_handle:
-    for record in SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta"):
-        try :
-            old = record.id
-            record.id = prot_names[record.id]
-            record.description = record.description.replace(old + " ","")
-            SeqIO.write(record, outFFN_handle, "fasta")
-        except :
-            print ("Warning FFN file : protein " + record.id + " discarded, no new name defined")
-            pass
diff --git a/bin/aln2taxaffi.py b/bin/aln2taxaffi.py
index 5c85116c0c11d166ad7c95f9a154549304f7accb..241d836b1216d0b0cf02e5a1032a15e7abc24b7e 100755
--- a/bin/aln2taxaffi.py
+++ b/bin/aln2taxaffi.py
@@ -597,13 +597,14 @@ def main():
-    with open(query_length_file) as fl:
-        nb_total_prot = len([line for line in fl])
-    nb_prot_annotated = len(matches)
-    plot_taxonomic_assignment(
-          output_name, count_rank_affiliation_protein,  count_rank_affiliation_contig, nb_total_prot, nb_prot_annotated, nb_prot_assigned)
+    if query_length_file:
+        logging.debug("Plot taxonomic affiliation using protein lengths.")
+        with open(query_length_file) as fl:
+            nb_total_prot = len([line for line in fl])
+        nb_prot_annotated = len(matches)
+        plot_taxonomic_assignment(
+            output_name, count_rank_affiliation_protein,  count_rank_affiliation_contig, nb_total_prot, nb_prot_annotated, nb_prot_assigned)
     if args.write_top_taxons:
         top_taxon_columns = ['contig', ] + main_ranks
diff --git a/bin/filter_contig_per_cpm.py b/bin/filter_contig_per_cpm.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fdea68d1d96b150bc8f2a09d7c328819055392be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/filter_contig_per_cpm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+  Script Name: Filter_contig_per_cpm.py
+  Description: Calculates the CPM normalization of mapped reads for each 
+               contig and returns contigs which have a CPM > cutoff in .fa.
+  Input files: Samtools idxstats output file, .fasta file of contigs.
+  Created By:  Jean Mainguy
+  Date:        2022-24-10
+# Metadata
+__author__ = 'Mainguy Jean - Plateforme bioinformatique Toulouse'
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2022 INRAE'
+__license__ = 'GNU General Public License'
+__version__ = '0.1'
+__email__ = 'support.bioinfo.genotoul@inra.fr'
+__status__ = 'dev'
+# Status: dev
+# Modules importation
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+import logging
+import pyfastx
+# Function
+def parse_arguments():
+    """Parse script arguments."""
+    parser = ArgumentParser(description="...",
+                            formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+    parser.add_argument("-i", "--samtools_idxstats", nargs='+',  required = True, 
+    help = "samtools idxstats file containing contig id, \
+    sequence length, number of mapped reads or fragments, \
+    number of unmapped reads or fragments")
+    parser.add_argument('-f', '--fasta_file',  required = True, 
+                        help = 'fasta file containing sequences of contigs.')
+    parser.add_argument("-c", "--cutoff_cpm", required = True,
+                       help = "Minimum number of reads in a contig")
+    parser.add_argument("-s", "--select", 
+                       help = "Name of outpout .fa file containing contigs which passed cpm cutoff")
+    parser.add_argument("-d", "--discard", 
+                       help = "Name of outpout .fa file containing contigs which don't passed cpm cutoff")
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity",
+                        action="store_true")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    return args
+def combine_idxstat_files(idxstat_files):
+    """
+    Combine multiple idxstat files that have the same contigs.
+    Sum the #_mapped_read_segments column over multiple idxstat files that have the same reference sequences.
+    """
+    columns_names = ['reference_sequence_name', 
+                    'sequence_length',
+                    '#_mapped_read_segments',
+                    '#_unmapped_read-segments']
+    idxstat_df = pd.read_csv(idxstat_files[0],
+                            sep ='\t',
+                            names = columns_names, 
+                            usecols = ['reference_sequence_name', 
+                                        'sequence_length',
+                                        '#_mapped_read_segments',],
+                            comment="*").set_index('reference_sequence_name')
+    for idxstat_file in idxstat_files[1:]:
+        other_idxstat_df = pd.read_csv(idxstat_file,
+                            sep ='\t',
+                            names = columns_names, 
+                            usecols = ['reference_sequence_name',
+                                        '#_mapped_read_segments',],
+                            comment="*").set_index('reference_sequence_name')
+        idxstat_df['#_mapped_read_segments'] += other_idxstat_df['#_mapped_read_segments']
+    return idxstat_df
+def main():
+    args = parse_arguments()
+    if args.verbose:
+        logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG)
+        logging.info('Mode verbose ON')
+    else:
+        logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
+    cpm_cutoff = float(args.cutoff_cpm)
+    # Read input tables 
+    idxstat_df = combine_idxstat_files(args.samtools_idxstats)
+    # Calculates cpm for each contig
+    sum_reads = idxstat_df['#_mapped_read_segments'].sum()
+    logging.info(f'Total number of mapped reads {sum_reads}')
+    logging.info(f'With a cpm cutoff of {args.cutoff_cpm}, contigs with less than {(sum_reads*cpm_cutoff)/1e6} reads are removed.')
+    idxstat_df['cpm_count'] = 1e6 * idxstat_df['#_mapped_read_segments']/sum_reads
+    # Contigs with nb reads > cutoff
+    kept_contigs = idxstat_df.loc[idxstat_df["cpm_count"] >= cpm_cutoff].index
+    logging.info(f'{len(kept_contigs)}/{len(idxstat_df)} contigs are kept with a cpm cutoff of {cpm_cutoff}.')
+    # Write new fasta files with kept and unkept contigs
+    with open(args.select, "w") as out_select_handle, open(args.discard, "w") as out_discard_handle:
+        for contig, seq in pyfastx.Fasta(args.fasta_file, build_index=False):
+            if contig in kept_contigs:
+                out_select_handle.write(f'>{contig}\n{seq}\n')
+            else:
+                out_discard_handle.write(f'>{contig}\n{seq}\n')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/bin/merge_annotations.py b/bin/merge_annotations.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d18ebd03b4ca221a59e8fd24791d5c4af60be26a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/merge_annotations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+Combine structural annotations made from different gff. 
+In case of collapsing annotations, RNA annotation are prefered to CDS annotations.
+Faa file from prodigal is processed to filter out overlapping sequences. 
+merge_annotations.py -c prodigal.gff -r barrnap.gff -t trnascan_se.gff --contig_seq contigs.fasta --faa_file prodigal.faa
+# Metadata
+__author__ = 'Mainguy Jean - Plateforme bioinformatique Toulouse'
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2020 INRAE'
+__license__ = 'GNU General Public License'
+__version__ = '0.1'
+__email__ = 'support.bioinfo.genotoul@inra.fr'
+__status__ = 'dev'
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, FileType
+import logging
+import gzip
+import csv
+from collections import defaultdict
+import pyfastx
+from Bio.Seq import Seq
+def parse_arguments():
+    """Parse script arguments."""
+    parser = ArgumentParser(description="...",
+                            formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+    parser.add_argument('-c', '--cds', help='gff file with CDS annotations.', required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('-t', '--trna', help='gff file with tRNA annotations.', required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('-r', '--rrna', help='gff file with rRNA annotations.', required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('--contig_seq', help='fasta file of contigs. Needed to extract gene sequence', required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('--faa_file', help='fasta file of protein sequences generated by prodigal.', required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('--gff_output', help='final gff file with all annotations.', default="all_annotation.gff")
+    parser.add_argument('--ffn_output', help='final ffn file with all annotations.', default="all_annotation.ffn")
+    parser.add_argument('--faa_output', help='final faa file with all CDS annotations in amino acid.', default="all_annotation.faa")
+    parser.add_argument('--report_output', help='Prokka report like to be able to show annotations in multiqc.', default="annotation_report.txt")
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity",
+                        action="store_true")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    return args
+def read_file_and_ignore_hashtag(file_path):
+    proper_open = gzip.open if file_path.endswith('.gz') else open
+    with proper_open(file_path, 'rt') as fl:
+        for line in fl:
+            if line.startswith('#'):
+                continue
+            yield line
+def group_annotations_by_contigs(*gff_annotations):
+    contig2annotations = defaultdict(list) 
+    for annotations in gff_annotations:
+        for annotation in annotations:
+            contig2annotations[annotation['seqname']].append(annotation)
+    return contig2annotations
+def parse_gff_file(gff_file, feature_to_keep=False):
+    gff_headers = ("seqname", "_3", "feature", "start", "end", "_2", "strand", "_1", "attribute")
+    gff_annotations = csv.DictReader(read_file_and_ignore_hashtag(gff_file), 
+                                                                        delimiter='\t',
+                                                                        fieldnames=gff_headers)
+    if feature_to_keep:
+        logging.info(f'Keeping only {feature_to_keep} feature from {gff_file}')
+        gff_annotations = (annotation for annotation in gff_annotations if annotation['feature'] == feature_to_keep)
+    return gff_annotations
+def remove_overlapping_cds(cds_file, contig2rnas):
+    contig_annotations = []
+    current_contig = None
+    for cds in parse_gff_file(cds_file, 'CDS'):
+        reading_next_contig = cds['seqname'] != current_contig
+        if contig_annotations and reading_next_contig:
+            yield current_contig, contig_annotations
+            contig_annotations = []
+        current_contig = cds['seqname']
+        is_overlapping = False
+        for rna in contig2rnas[current_contig]:
+                if (int(rna['end']) < int(cds['start']) or int(rna['start']) > int(cds['end'])):
+                    continue
+                else:  # overlap -> remove cds
+                    is_overlapping = True
+                    overlap = f"[{max(rna['start'], cds['start'])},{min(rna['end'], cds['end'])}]"
+                    rna_info = f"{rna['feature']} [{rna['start']}, {rna['end']}]"
+                    cds_info = f"CDS [{cds['start']}, {cds['end']}]"
+                    logging.info(f"overlap: {cds_info} overlapping with {rna_info} at {overlap} on contig={current_contig}")
+        if not is_overlapping:
+            contig_annotations.append(cds)
+    yield current_contig, contig_annotations
+def merging_cds_and_rna(cds_per_contig, contig2rnas):
+    contig_processed = []
+    for contig, cds_features in cds_per_contig:
+        contig_processed.append(contig)
+        rna_features = contig2rnas[contig]
+        yield contig, rna_features + cds_features
+    # check that all rrna contigs have been processed if not processe them
+    for contig, rnas in  contig2rnas.items():
+        if contig not in contig_processed:
+            logging.info(f'{contig} has only rna annotation')
+            yield contig, rnas
+def add_new_ID_tag(gff_attributes, new_id):
+    gff_attributes_no_id = ';'.join([attr for attr in gff_attributes.split(';') if  attr.split('=')[0] != 'ID'])
+    return f"ID={new_id};{gff_attributes_no_id}"
+def get_tag_value(gff_attribute, tag):
+    for attr in gff_attribute.split(';'):
+        if attr.split('=')[0] == tag:
+            return attr.split('=')[1]
+    return ''
+def writing_features_to_gff_ffn_faa(annotations_per_contig, out_gff, fna_file, out_ffn, faa_file, out_faa):
+    contig_fa = pyfastx.Fasta(fna_file)
+    protein_fa = pyfastx.Fasta(faa_file)
+    with open(out_gff, 'w') as fh_gff, open(out_ffn, 'w') as fh_ffn, open(out_faa, 'w') as fh_faa:
+        fh_gff.write("##gff-version  3\n")
+        for contig, features in annotations_per_contig:
+            gene_count = defaultdict(int)
+            logging.info(f"writing {contig} annotations to gff file")
+            fh_gff.write(f"##sequence-region {contig}\n")
+            for feature in sorted(features, key=lambda x: int(x['start'])):
+                gene_count[feature['feature']] += 1 
+                new_id = f"{feature['seqname']}.{feature['feature']}_{gene_count[feature['feature']]}"
+                start, end = int(feature['start']), int(feature['end'])
+                # write faa
+                if feature['feature'] == "CDS":
+                    gff_id = get_tag_value(feature['attribute'], 'ID')
+                    # ID in gff from prodigal is <contig_number>_<cds_number>
+                    # seq name in faa from prodigal is <contig_name>_<cds_number>
+                    cds_number = gff_id.split('_')[-1]
+                    cds_prodigal_id = f"{contig}_{cds_number}"
+                    fh_faa.write(f">{new_id} {start}-{end}\n{protein_fa[cds_prodigal_id]}\n")
+                # Write gff and ffn 
+                feature['attribute'] = add_new_ID_tag(feature['attribute'], new_id)
+                tag_name = get_tag_value(feature['attribute'], 'Name')
+                fh_gff.write('\t'.join(feature.values())+"\n")
+                if feature['strand'] == "+":
+                    feature_seq = contig_fa[contig][start-1:end].seq
+                else:
+                    # minus strand: reverse complement the sequence
+                    feature_seq = contig_fa[contig][start-1:end].antisense
+                fh_ffn.write(f">{new_id} {start}-{end} {tag_name}\n{feature_seq}\n")
+    # building prokka like report for multiqc
+    report = {"organism": "NA",
+            "contigs": len(contig_fa),
+            "bases": contig_fa.size }
+    report.update(gene_count)
+    return report
+def main():
+    args = parse_arguments()
+    if args.verbose:
+        logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG)
+        logging.info('Mode verbose ON')
+    else:
+        logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
+    trna_file  = args.trna 
+    rrna_file  = args.rrna
+    cds_file = args.cds
+    fna_file = args.contig_seq
+    faa_file = args.faa_file
+    out_gff = args.gff_output
+    out_ffn = args.ffn_output
+    out_faa = args.faa_output
+    out_report = args.report_output
+    logging.info('Parsing rRNA annoations.')
+    rrna_annotations = parse_gff_file(rrna_file, 'rRNA')
+    logging.info('Parsing tRNA annoations.')
+    trna_annotations = parse_gff_file(trna_file, 'tRNA')
+    logging.info('Grouping RNA annoations by contig.')
+    contig2rnas = group_annotations_by_contigs(trna_annotations, rrna_annotations)
+    logging.info('Removing CDS annoations overlapping a RNA annotations.')
+    unoverlapping_cds_per_contig = remove_overlapping_cds(cds_file, contig2rnas)
+    logging.info('Merge CDS and RNA annotations by contig.')
+    annotation_per_contigs = merging_cds_and_rna(unoverlapping_cds_per_contig, contig2rnas)
+    logging.info(f'Writting CDS and RNA annotations to gff file: {out_gff}.')
+    report = writing_features_to_gff_ffn_faa(annotation_per_contigs, out_gff, fna_file, out_ffn, faa_file, out_faa)
+    with open(out_report, "w") as fl:
+        fl.write(''.join(f"{k}: {v}\n" for k,v in report.items()))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/rename_contigs.py b/bin/rename_contigs.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0734c9c5e297259fa8c0df0ee03015b108280f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/rename_contigs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+Rename assembly contigs.
+Rename contig as <sample_name>_c<contig_number>
+rename_contigs.py -h
+# Metadata
+__author__ = 'Mainguy Jean - Plateforme bioinformatique Toulouse'
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2020 INRAE'
+__license__ = 'GNU General Public License'
+__version__ = '0.1'
+__email__ = 'support.bioinfo.genotoul@inra.fr'
+__status__ = 'dev'
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, FileType
+import logging
+import gzip
+import csv
+from collections import defaultdict
+import pyfastx
+from Bio.Seq import Seq
+def parse_arguments():
+    """Parse script arguments."""
+    parser = ArgumentParser(description="...",
+                            formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+    parser.add_argument('-s', '--sample', help='Sample name used to rename contigs.', required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('-i', '--fna_file', help='Original fasta file of contigs.', required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('-o', '--out_fna', help='Output fasta file with renamed contigs.', required=True)
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity",
+                        action="store_true")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    return args
+def main():
+    args = parse_arguments()
+    if args.verbose:
+        logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG)
+        logging.info('Mode verbose ON')
+    else:
+        logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
+    sample = args.sample    
+    fna_file = args.fna_file
+    out_fna = args.out_fna
+    logging.info(f'Writting renamed fasta file in {out_fna}')
+    with open(out_fna, "w") as fh_fna:
+        for i, (_, seq) in enumerate(pyfastx.Fasta(fna_file, build_index=False)):
+            fh_fna.write(f'>{sample}_c{i+1}\n{seq}\n')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/scrape_software_versions.py b/bin/scrape_software_versions.py
index e04c4d3fa7789ae889bc21828f956e77be2af0a0..42794741c9302e0e76893f21c4335a39d25c890d 100755
--- a/bin/scrape_software_versions.py
+++ b/bin/scrape_software_versions.py
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ regexes = {
     'Hifiasm': ['v_hifiasm_meta.txt', r"ha base version: (\S+)"],
     'MetaFlye': ['v_metaflye.txt', r"v(\S+)"],
     'Quast': ['v_quast.txt', r"QUAST v(\S+)"],
-    'Prokka': ['v_prokka.txt', r"prokka (\S+)"],
     'Kaiju': ['v_kaiju.txt', r"Kaiju (\S+)"],
     'Samtools': ['v_samtools.txt', r"samtools (\S+)"],
     'Eggnog-Mapper': ['v_eggnogmapper.txt', r"emapper-(\S+)"],
@@ -33,7 +32,10 @@ regexes = {
     'CheckM2': ['v_checkm2.txt', r"(\S+)"],
     'Metawrap': ['v_metawrap.txt', r"metawrap (\S+)"],
     'GTDBTK': ['v_gtdbtk.txt', r"...::: GTDB-Tk v(\S+)"],
-    'dRep': ['v_dRep.txt', r"version (\S+)"]
+    'dRep': ['v_dRep.txt', r"version (\S+)"],
+    'tRNAscan-SE': ['v_tRNAscan.txt', r"tRNAscan-SE (\S+)"],
+    'Barrnap': ['v_barrnap.txt', r"barrnap (\S+)"],
+    'Prodigal': ['v_prodigal.txt', r"Prodigal (\S+):"],
 results = OrderedDict()
 results['metagWGS'] = '<span style="color:#999999;\">N/A</span>'
@@ -65,6 +67,9 @@ results['Metawrap'] = '<span style="color:#999999;\">N/A</span>'
 results['dRep'] = '<span style="color:#999999;\">N/A</span>'
 results['GTDBTK'] = '<span style="color:#999999;\">N/A</span>'
 results['MultiQC'] = '<span style="color:#999999;\">N/A</span>'
+results['tRNAscan-SE'] = '<span style="color:#999999;\">N/A</span>'
+results['Barrnap'] = '<span style="color:#999999;\">N/A</span>'
+results['Prodigal'] = '<span style="color:#999999;\">N/A</span>'
 # Search each file using its regex
 for k, v in regexes.items():
diff --git a/conf/base.config b/conf/base.config
index 607ae05250e35b438b10db8996b40eff575f9d9e..721713b52e7f984bcfc58969b1784f33f79b15b8 100644
--- a/conf/base.config
+++ b/conf/base.config
@@ -55,15 +55,8 @@ process {
         memory = { 32.GB * task.attempt }
     withLabel: ASSEMBLY_FILTER {
-        memory = { 8.GB * task.attempt }
-        cpus = 4
-    }
-    withName: PROKKA {
-        memory = { 45.GB * task.attempt }
-        cpus = 8
-    }
-        memory = { 20.GB * task.attempt }
+        memory = { 2.GB * task.attempt }
+        cpus = 1
     withLabel: CD_HIT {
         memory = { 50.GB * task.attempt }
diff --git a/conf/test.config b/conf/test.config
index 710b959e18f9fff612ec836a1f6d90bbccd1ded3..8b437cdfc845c560673445737439168cbc359b64 100644
--- a/conf/test.config
+++ b/conf/test.config
@@ -46,16 +46,9 @@ process {
         memory = { 1.GB * task.attempt }
     withLabel: ASSEMBLY_FILTER {
-        memory = { 1.GB * task.attempt }
-        cpus = 2
-    }
-    withName: PROKKA {
         memory = { 1.GB * task.attempt }
         cpus = 1
-        memory = { 1.GB * task.attempt }
-    }
     withLabel: CD_HIT {
         memory = { 16.GB * task.attempt }
         cpus = 2
diff --git a/docs/usage.md b/docs/usage.md
index 672fa3a91602e436949b36080a577090c67ab788..d0b1a4c0c74d5ee76787982dd29c8ab8af7f3633 100644
--- a/docs/usage.md
+++ b/docs/usage.md
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ No parameter available for this substep.
 No parameters.
 **WARNING 6:** `S04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT` step depends on `S01_CLEAN_QC`, `S02_ASSEMBLY` and `S03_FILTERING` steps (if you use it). You need to use the mandatory files of these four steps to run `S04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT`. See [II. Input files](usage.md#ii-input-files) and **WARNINGS 1 to 6**.
 **WARNING 7:** if you haven't previously done `S03_FILTERING`, calculation time of `S04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT` can be important. Some cluster queues have defined calculation time, you need to adapt the queue you use to your data.
 > For example, if you are on [genologin cluster](http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/) and you haven't done the `S03_FILTERING` step, you can write a `nextflow.config` file in your working directory containing these lines:
 > ```bash
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ No parameters.
 >  queue = 'unlimitq'
 > }
 > ```
-> This will launch the `Prokka` command line of step `04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT` on a calculation queue (`unlimitq`) where the job can last more than 4 days (which is not the case for the usual `workq` queue).
+> This will launch the `Prokka` command line of step `04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT` on a calculation queue (`unlimitq`) where the job can last more than 4 days (which is not the case for the usual `workq` queue). -->
 #### **`S05_ALIGNMENT` step:**
diff --git a/env/metagWGS.yml b/env/metagWGS.yml
index 8a0cc9e45be7283620d558c12c9510dd76dfac94..6a0b710fcdb61b986cda0081ea4a77595ea0af73 100644
--- a/env/metagWGS.yml
+++ b/env/metagWGS.yml
@@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ dependencies:
   - flye=2.9.1
   - hifiasm_meta=hamtv0.3
   - plotly
+  - trnascan-se=2.0.11
   - pyfastx
diff --git a/main.nf b/main.nf
index 229345d0296d2c45815b0b32559b36fd138d96ab..cdd2d19cc94c965ad40b3d6af8b3cf1f68c4be9e 100644
--- a/main.nf
+++ b/main.nf
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ workflow {
   ch_kaiju_db = Channel.empty()
   ch_eggnog_db = Channel.empty()
   ch_taxonomy = Channel.empty()
-  ch_diamond = Channel.empty()
+  ch_diamon_db = Channel.empty()
   ch_gtbdtk_db = Channel.empty()
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ workflow {
   ch_kaiju_db = DATABASES.out.kaiju_db
   ch_eggnog_db = DATABASES.out.eggnog
   ch_taxonomy = DATABASES.out.taxonomy
-  ch_diamond = DATABASES.out.diamond
+  ch_diamon_db = DATABASES.out.diamond
   ch_gtbdtk_db = DATABASES.out.gtdbtk
   ch_multiqc_config = Channel.empty()
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ workflow {
   ch_final_assembly_flagstat_report = Channel.empty()
   ch_assembly_report = Channel.empty()
   ch_filtered_report = Channel.empty()
-  ch_prokka_report = Channel.empty()
+  ch_annotation_report = Channel.empty()
   ch_bins_abundances_report = Channel.empty()
   ch_bins_stats_report = Channel.empty()
   ch_quast = Channel.empty()
@@ -404,92 +404,82 @@ workflow {
     S02_ASSEMBLY ( ch_preprocessed_reads, ch_assembly, has_assembly, assembly_tool )
     ch_assembly = S02_ASSEMBLY.out.assembly
-    ch_reads = S02_ASSEMBLY.out.dedup
+    ch_reads = S02_ASSEMBLY.out.reads
+    ch_bam = S02_ASSEMBLY.out.bam
+    ch_sam_coverage = S02_ASSEMBLY.out.coverage
     ch_idxstats = S02_ASSEMBLY.out.idxstats
     ch_unfilter_assembly_flagstat_report = S02_ASSEMBLY.out.flagstat
-    ch_quast = S02_ASSEMBLY.out.assembly_report
-    ch_quast_before_filter_report = ch_quast.map{ meta, quast_report -> quast_report }
+    ch_quast_before_filter_report = S02_ASSEMBLY.out.assembly_report
     ch_software_versions_S02 = S02_ASSEMBLY.out.software_versions
   if ( !params.stop_at_clean && !params.stop_at_assembly && !params.skip_filtering ) {
     ch_min_contigs_cpm = Channel.value(params.min_contigs_cpm)
-    ch_assembly
-        .splitFasta(by: 100000, file: true)
-        .set{ch_chunk_assembly_for_filter}
-    ch_chunk_assembly_for_filter
-        .combine(ch_idxstats, by:0)
-        .set{ch_assembly_and_idxstats}
     S03_FILTERING (
-        ch_assembly_and_idxstats,
+        ch_assembly,
+        ch_idxstats,
+        ch_bam,
-    ch_assembly = S03_FILTERING.out.selected
-    ch_quast = S03_FILTERING.out.report
-    ch_quast_after_filter_report = ch_quast.map{ meta, quast_report -> quast_report }
+    ch_assembly = S03_FILTERING.out.selected_contigs
+    ch_bam =  S03_FILTERING.out.bam
+    ch_sam_coverage = S03_FILTERING.out.sam_coverage
+    ch_quast_after_filter_report = S03_FILTERING.out.quast_report
+    ch_final_assembly_flagstat_report = S03_FILTERING.out.sam_flagstat
-  ch_contigs_and_reads = Channel.empty()
-  ch_prokka_ffn = Channel.empty()
-  ch_prokka_faa = Channel.empty()
-  ch_prokka_gff = Channel.empty()
-  ch_prokka_fna = Channel.empty()
-  ch_prot_length = Channel.empty()
+  ch_annotation_ffn = Channel.empty()
+  ch_annotation_faa = Channel.empty()
+  ch_annotation_gff = Channel.empty()
   if ( !params.stop_at_clean && !params.stop_at_assembly && !params.stop_at_filtering ) {
     S04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT ( ch_assembly )
-    ch_prokka_ffn = S04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT.out.ffn
-    ch_prokka_faa = S04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT.out.faa
-    ch_prokka_gff = S04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT.out.gff
-    ch_prokka_fna = S04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT.out.fna
-    ch_prokka_report = S04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT.out.report
-    ch_contigs_and_reads = ch_prokka_fna
-        .join(ch_reads, remainder: true)
-    ch_prot_length = S04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT.out.prot_length
+    ch_annotation_ffn = S04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT.out.ffn
+    ch_annotation_faa = S04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT.out.faa
+    ch_annotation_gff = S04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT.out.gff
+    ch_annotation_report = S04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT.out.report
     ch_software_versions_S04 = S04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT.out.software_versions
-  ch_bam = Channel.empty()
-  ch_m8 = Channel.empty()
-  ch_sam_coverage = Channel.empty()
+  ch_diamond_result = Channel.empty()
   if ( !params.stop_at_clean && !params.stop_at_assembly && !params.stop_at_filtering && !params.stop_at_structural_annot ) {
-    S05_ALIGNMENT ( ch_contigs_and_reads, ch_prokka_faa, ch_diamond)
-    ch_bam = S05_ALIGNMENT.out.bam
-    ch_m8 = S05_ALIGNMENT.out.m8
-    ch_sam_coverage =  S05_ALIGNMENT.out.sam_coverage
-    if (!params.skip_filtering){
-      // when filtering is skip reads vs assembly remain unchanged so no need to send it to multiqc
-      ch_final_assembly_flagstat_report = S05_ALIGNMENT.out.sam_flagstat
-    }
+    S05_ALIGNMENT (ch_annotation_faa, ch_diamon_db)
+    ch_diamond_result = S05_ALIGNMENT.out.m8
     ch_software_versions_S05 = S05_ALIGNMENT.out.software_versions
   ch_quant_report = Channel.empty()
   ch_v_eggnogmapper = Channel.empty()
   if ( !params.stop_at_clean && !params.stop_at_assembly && !params.stop_at_filtering && !params.stop_at_structural_annot && !params.skip_func_annot ) {
-      S06_FUNC_ANNOT ( ch_prokka_ffn, ch_prokka_faa, ch_prokka_gff, ch_bam, ch_m8, ch_eggnog_db )
+      S06_FUNC_ANNOT ( ch_annotation_ffn, ch_annotation_faa, ch_annotation_gff, ch_bam, ch_diamond_result, ch_eggnog_db )
       ch_quant_report = S06_FUNC_ANNOT.out.quant_report
       ch_software_versions_S06 = S06_FUNC_ANNOT.out.software_versions
 	if ( !params.stop_at_clean && !params.stop_at_assembly && !params.stop_at_filtering && !params.stop_at_structural_annot && !params.skip_taxo_affi ) {
-		S07_TAXO_AFFI ( ch_taxonomy, ch_m8, ch_sam_coverage, ch_prot_length)
+		S07_TAXO_AFFI ( ch_taxonomy, ch_diamond_result, ch_sam_coverage)
     ch_software_versions_S07 = S07_TAXO_AFFI.out.software_versions
   if ( !params.stop_at_clean && !params.stop_at_assembly && !params.stop_at_filtering && !params.stop_at_structural_annot && !params.skip_binning ) {
-    S08_BINNING( ch_reads, ch_prokka_fna, ch_bam, ch_gtbdtk_db, ch_quast )
+    S08_BINNING( ch_reads, ch_assembly, ch_bam, ch_gtbdtk_db, ch_quast )
     ch_bins_abundances_report = S08_BINNING.out.bins_abundances_report
     ch_bins_stats_report = S08_BINNING.out.bins_stats_report
@@ -518,7 +508,7 @@ workflow {
-    ch_prokka_report.collect().ifEmpty([]),
+    ch_annotation_report.collect().ifEmpty([]),
diff --git a/modules/assembly.nf b/modules/assembly.nf
index b8f9d358356e83bc05e93457c96efa5674ffffb1..91552700071535ce00f8ff4f46438b31cd8d1247 100644
--- a/modules/assembly.nf
+++ b/modules/assembly.nf
@@ -107,3 +107,20 @@ process METAFLYE {
+  tag "${meta.id}"
+  publishDir "${params.outdir}/02_assembly/", mode: 'copy'
+  label 'PYTHON'
+  input:
+    tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.raw.fna")
+  output:
+    tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.fna"), emit: fna
+  script:
+  """
+    rename_contigs.py --sample ${meta.id}  --fna_file ${meta.id}.raw.fna --out_fna ${meta.id}.fna -v
+  """
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/assign_taxonomy.nf b/modules/assign_taxonomy.nf
index 9d765ad9b0d1d2634c3b457714ca787f9ce39a77..559c06cbb7276a222a0ee53f1476a86450e74216 100644
--- a/modules/assign_taxonomy.nf
+++ b/modules/assign_taxonomy.nf
@@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ process ASSIGN_TAXONOMY {
     tuple path(accession2taxid), path(new_taxdump)
-    tuple val(meta), path(m8), path(sam_coverage), path(prot_len)
+    tuple val(meta), path(m8), path(sam_coverage)
     tuple val(meta.id), path("${meta.id}.percontig.tsv"), emit: t_percontig
     tuple val(meta.id), path("${meta.id}.pergene.tsv"), emit: t_pergene
     tuple val(meta.id), path("${meta.id}.warn.tsv"), emit: t_warn
-    tuple val(meta.id), path("graphs"), emit: t_graphs
     path "${meta.id}_quantif_percontig.tsv", emit: q_all
     path "${meta.id}_quantif_percontig_by_superkingdom.tsv", emit: q_superkingdom
     path "${meta.id}_quantif_percontig_by_phylum.tsv", emit: q_phylum
@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ process ASSIGN_TAXONOMY {
     aln2taxaffi.py -a ${accession2taxid} --taxonomy \$new_taxdump_var \
                   -o ${meta.id} -b ${m8} --keep_only_best_aln  \
-                  --query_length_file ${prot_len} -v --write_top_taxons 
+                   -v --write_top_taxons 
     merge_contig_quantif_perlineage.py -c ${meta.id}.percontig.tsv -s ${sam_coverage} -o ${meta.id}
diff --git a/modules/barrnap.nf b/modules/barrnap.nf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..16013a09c886a200ca87ba970420ec2c1ec3fd72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/barrnap.nf
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+process BARRNAP {
+  tag "${meta.id}"
+  input:
+    tuple val(meta), file(assembly_file)
+  output:
+    tuple val(meta), path("barrnap.gff"), emit: gff
+    path "v_barrnap.txt", emit: v_barrnap
+  script:
+  """
+    barrnap --threads ${task.cpus} ${assembly_file} > barrnap.gff
+    barrnap --version  2> v_barrnap.txt
+  """
diff --git a/modules/filtering_cpm.nf b/modules/filtering_cpm.nf
index 951a2018db7e7aed1f5c0915a8e54e68f7595c6f..cdfe8e52bd7a719851503a64284724c4c5efac64 100644
--- a/modules/filtering_cpm.nf
+++ b/modules/filtering_cpm.nf
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ process CHUNK_ASSEMBLY_FILTER {
     chunk_name = assembly_file.baseName
-    Filter_contig_per_cpm.py -i ${idxstats} -f ${assembly_file} -c ${min_cpm} -s ${chunk_name}_select_cpm${min_cpm}.fasta -d ${chunk_name}_discard_cpm${min_cpm}.fasta
+    filter_contig_per_cpm.py -v -i ${idxstats} -f ${assembly_file} -c ${min_cpm} -s ${chunk_name}_select_cpm${min_cpm}.fasta -d ${chunk_name}_discard_cpm${min_cpm}.fasta
diff --git a/modules/merge_annotations.nf b/modules/merge_annotations.nf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6481f640067f8a93a9e295b653a9ec9733b4faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/merge_annotations.nf
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+  publishDir "${params.outdir}/04_structural_annot/${meta.id}/", mode: 'copy'
+  tag "${meta.id}"
+  input:
+    tuple val(meta), file(assembly_file), file(faa_file), file(cds_gff), file(rrna_gff), file(trna_gff)
+  output:
+    tuple val(meta), file("${meta.id}.gff"), emit: gff
+    tuple val(meta), file("${meta.id}.ffn"), emit: ffn
+    tuple val(meta), file("${meta.id}.faa"), emit: faa
+    path "${meta.id}.txt", emit: report
+  script:
+  """
+    merge_annotations.py -c $cds_gff -r $rrna_gff -t $trna_gff -v  \
+                         --contig_seq $assembly_file --faa_file $faa_file \
+                         --ffn_output ${meta.id}.ffn  --gff_output ${meta.id}.gff --faa_output ${meta.id}.faa \
+                         --report_output ${meta.id}.txt
+  """
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/metaquast.nf b/modules/metaquast.nf
index dbaa508907511d05a022c258e8ff9b6ffdde63da..dee90d58aa2e646adb54b24fece1a54f3a5be520 100644
--- a/modules/metaquast.nf
+++ b/modules/metaquast.nf
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ process QUAST {
         path "${outdir}/${meta.id}/*", emit: all
-        tuple val(meta), path ("${outdir}/${meta.id}/report.tsv"), emit: report
+        path "${outdir}/${meta.id}/report.tsv", emit: report
         path "v_quast.txt", emit: v_quast
diff --git a/modules/prodigal.nf b/modules/prodigal.nf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63bde69805b4f69bd03d76bfe1cf3a42a381c186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/prodigal.nf
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+process PRODIGAL {
+  tag "${meta.id}"
+  input:
+    tuple val(meta), file(assembly_file)
+  output:
+    tuple val(meta), path("prodigal.gff"), emit: gff
+    tuple val(meta), path("prodigal.faa"), emit: faa
+    path "v_prodigal.txt", emit: v_prodigal
+  script:
+  """
+  prodigal -i ${assembly_file} -c -p meta -f gff -a prodigal.faa -o prodigal.gff 
+  prodigal -v 2> v_prodigal.txt
+  """
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/prokka.nf b/modules/prokka.nf
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fbd538686fe545b4d1de3d08011a3a8dd8189ea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/prokka.nf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-process PROKKA {
-  tag "${meta.id}"
-  input:
-  tuple val(meta), file(assembly_file)
-   output:
-   tuple val(meta), path("PROKKA_${meta.id}"), emit: prokka_results
-   path "PROKKA_${meta.id}/${meta.id}.txt", emit: report
-   path "v_prokka.txt", emit: v_prokka
-  script:
-  """
-  prokka --metagenome --noanno --rawproduct --outdir PROKKA_${meta.id} --prefix ${meta.id} ${assembly_file} --centre X --compliant --cpus ${task.cpus}
-  rm PROKKA_${meta.id}/*.gbk
-  gt gff3validator PROKKA_${meta.id}/${meta.id}.gff 
-  prokka -v &> v_prokka.txt
-  """
-  tag "${meta.id}"
-  publishDir "${params.outdir}/04_structural_annot", mode: 'copy'
-  label 'PYTHON'
-  input:
-    tuple val(meta), path(prokka_results)
-  output:
-    tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.annotated.fna"), emit: fna
-    tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.annotated.ffn"), emit: ffn
-    tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.annotated.faa"), emit: faa
-    tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.annotated.gff"), emit: gff
-    tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}_prot.len"), emit: prot_length
-  script:
-  """
-  grep "^gnl" ${prokka_results}/${meta.id}.gff > ${meta.id}_only_gnl.gff
-  Rename_contigs_and_genes.py -f ${meta.id}_only_gnl.gff -faa ${prokka_results}/${meta.id}.faa \
-                              -ffn ${prokka_results}/${meta.id}.ffn -fna ${prokka_results}/${meta.id}.fna \
-                              -p ${meta.id} -oGFF ${meta.id}.annotated.gff -oFAA ${meta.id}.annotated.faa \
-                              -oFFN ${meta.id}.annotated.ffn -oFNA ${meta.id}.annotated.fna
-  samtools faidx ${meta.id}.annotated.faa; cut -f 1,2 ${meta.id}.annotated.faa.fai > ${meta.id}_prot.len
-  """
diff --git a/modules/read_alignment_manipulation.nf b/modules/read_alignment_manipulation.nf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca0fe5dd3abef86bfc16183aa7a33d113b6aa377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/read_alignment_manipulation.nf
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+   tag "${meta.id}"
+   publishDir "${params.outdir}/$publishDir_path/${meta.id}", mode: 'copy'
+   input:
+      tuple val(meta), path(bam), path(bai)
+      val(publishDir_path)
+   output:
+      tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.coverage.tsv"), emit: sam_coverage
+      tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.idxstats"), emit: sam_idxstat
+      path "${meta.id}.flagstat", emit: sam_flagstat
+      path "${meta.id}*"
+      path "v_samtools.txt", emit: v_samtools
+   script:
+      """
+      samtools flagstat -@ ${task.cpus}  ${bam} > ${meta.id}.flagstat
+      samtools coverage  ${bam} > ${meta.id}.coverage.tsv
+      samtools idxstats ${bam} > ${meta.id}.idxstats
+      samtools --version &> v_samtools.txt
+      """
+process FILTER_BAM {
+   tag "${meta.id}"
+   input:
+      tuple val(meta),  path(discarded_contigs), path(bam), path(bai)
+   output:
+      tuple val(meta), path("selected_contigs.bam"), emit: selected_contigs_bam
+      tuple val(meta), path("discarded_contigs.bam"), emit: discarded_contigs_bam
+   script:
+      """
+      samtools faidx $discarded_contigs 
+      awk 'BEGIN {FS="\\t"}; {print \$1 FS "0" FS \$2}' ${discarded_contigs}.fai > discarded_contigs.bed
+      samtools view -@ ${task.cpus}  -bL discarded_contigs.bed -U selected_contigs.bam  $bam  -o discarded_contigs.bam
+      """
+   tag "${meta.id}"
+   input:
+      tuple val(meta),  path(bam)
+   output:
+      tuple val(meta), path("reads*.fastq.gz"), emit: reads
+   script:
+      """
+      samtools fastq -@ ${task.cpus}  -N  -1 reads_R1.fastq.gz -2 reads_R2.fastq.gz $bam
+      """
+   tag "${meta.id}"
+   input:
+      tuple val(meta),  path(bam)
+   output:
+      tuple val(meta), path("reads.fastq.gz"), emit: reads
+   script:
+      """
+      samtools fastq -@ ${task.cpus} -o reads.fastq.gz $bam
+      """
+process MERGE_BAM_FILES {
+   tag "${meta.id}"
+   input:
+      tuple val(meta),  path(bam1), path(bam2)
+   output:
+      tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.filtered.bam"), path("${meta.id}.filtered.bam.bai") , emit: bam
+   script:
+      """
+      samtools merge -@ ${task.cpus} -o ${meta.id}.filtered.bam  $bam1 $bam2
+      samtools index -@ ${task.cpus} ${meta.id}.filtered.bam
+      """
diff --git a/modules/read_alignment_metrics.nf b/modules/read_alignment_metrics.nf
deleted file mode 100644
index e23dc78beff36d661c7a5c9b3a250856b69e5013..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/read_alignment_metrics.nf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-process SAMTOOLS {
-   tag "${meta.id}"
-   publishDir "${params.outdir}/$publishDir_path/${meta.id}", mode: 'copy'
-   input:
-      tuple val(meta), path(bam), path(bai)
-      val(publishDir_path)
-   output:
-      tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.coverage.tsv"), emit: sam_coverage
-      tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.idxstats"), emit: sam_idxstat
-      path "${meta.id}.flagstat", emit: sam_flagstat
-      path "${meta.id}*"
-   script:
-      """
-      samtools flagstat -@ ${task.cpus}  ${bam} > ${meta.id}.flagstat
-      samtools coverage  ${bam} > ${meta.id}.coverage.tsv
-      samtools idxstats ${bam} > ${meta.id}.idxstats
-      """
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/reads_deduplication.nf b/modules/reads_deduplication.nf
index b64df7ca1edbf142aa2875281915a66f0fcdad64..bce077d8e6ba3dd99ede048e1822a95745440818 100644
--- a/modules/reads_deduplication.nf
+++ b/modules/reads_deduplication.nf
@@ -1,38 +1,46 @@
   tag "${meta.id}"
-  publishDir "${params.outdir}/02_assembly", mode: 'copy', pattern: '*.fastq.gz'
-  publishDir "${params.outdir}/02_assembly/logs", mode: 'copy', pattern: '*.idxstats'
-  publishDir "${params.outdir}/02_assembly/logs", mode: 'copy', pattern: '*.flagstat'
+  publishDir "${params.outdir}/02_assembly/deduplicated_reads/", mode: 'copy', pattern: '*.fastq.gz'
+  publishDir "${params.outdir}/02_assembly/${meta.id}/", mode: 'copy', pattern: '*.fastq.gz'
+  publishDir "${params.outdir}/02_assembly/${meta.id}/", mode: 'copy', pattern: '*.bam*'
   tuple val(meta), path(assembly), path(reads)
-  tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}*_dedup.fastq.gz"), emit: dedup
-  tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.count_reads_on_contigs.idxstats"), emit: idxstats
+  tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}*_dedup.fastq.gz"), emit: dedup_reads
+  tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.bam"), path("${meta.id}.bam.bai"), emit: bam
   path "${meta.id}_singletons.fastq.gz", emit: singletons
-  path "${meta.id}.count_reads_on_contigs.flagstat", emit: flagstat
   path "v_bwa.txt", emit: v_bwa_mem2
   path "v_samtools.txt", emit: v_samtools
-  mkdir logs
+  # Align reads against assembly
   bwa-mem2 index ${assembly} -p ${assembly}
-  bwa-mem2 mem ${assembly} ${reads[0]} ${reads[1]} | samtools view -bS - | samtools sort -n -o ${meta.id}.sort.bam -
-  samtools fixmate -m ${meta.id}.sort.bam ${meta.id}.fixmate.bam
-  samtools sort -o ${meta.id}.fixmate.positionsort.bam ${meta.id}.fixmate.bam
-  samtools markdup -r -S -s -f ${meta.id}.stats ${meta.id}.fixmate.positionsort.bam ${meta.id}.filtered.bam
-  samtools index ${meta.id}.filtered.bam 
-  samtools idxstats ${meta.id}.filtered.bam  > ${meta.id}.count_reads_on_contigs.idxstats
-  samtools flagstat ${meta.id}.filtered.bam  > ${meta.id}.count_reads_on_contigs.flagstat
-  samtools sort -n -o ${meta.id}.filtered.sort.bam ${meta.id}.filtered.bam 
-  samtools fastq -N -s ${meta.id}_singletons.fastq.gz -1 ${meta.id}_R1_dedup.fastq.gz -2 ${meta.id}_R2_dedup.fastq.gz ${meta.id}.filtered.sort.bam 
+  bwa-mem2 mem -t ${task.cpus}  ${assembly} ${reads[0]} ${reads[1]} | samtools view -@ ${task.cpus} -bS - | samtools sort -@ ${task.cpus} -n -o ${meta.id}.sort.bam -
+  # Identify and removed duplicated reads from the bam file
+  samtools fixmate -@ ${task.cpus} -m ${meta.id}.sort.bam ${meta.id}.fixmate.bam
+  samtools sort -@ ${task.cpus} -o ${meta.id}.fixmate.positionsort.bam ${meta.id}.fixmate.bam
+  samtools markdup -@ ${task.cpus}  -r -S -s -f ${meta.id}.stats ${meta.id}.fixmate.positionsort.bam ${meta.id}.filtered.bam
+  # final bam file without duplicated reads
+  samtools sort -@ ${task.cpus} -o ${meta.id}.bam ${meta.id}.filtered.bam
+  samtools index -@ ${task.cpus}  ${meta.id}.bam 
+  # Get deduplicated reads
+  samtools sort -@ ${task.cpus}  -n -o ${meta.id}.filtered.n_sorted.bam ${meta.id}.bam  
+  samtools fastq -@ ${task.cpus}  -N -s ${meta.id}_singletons.fastq.gz -1 ${meta.id}_R1_dedup.fastq.gz -2 ${meta.id}_R2_dedup.fastq.gz ${meta.id}.filtered.n_sorted.bam 
+  # clean directory
   rm ${meta.id}.sort.bam
   rm ${meta.id}.fixmate.bam
   rm ${meta.id}.fixmate.positionsort.bam
-  rm ${meta.id}.filtered.bam 
-  rm ${meta.id}.filtered.sort.bam
+  rm ${meta.id}.filtered.n_sorted.bam
+  rm ${meta.id}.filtered.bam
   bwa-mem2 version > v_bwa.txt
diff --git a/modules/trnascan_se.nf b/modules/trnascan_se.nf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b690c7c42a1bbe808d6e63c4e3136a747bd02b1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/trnascan_se.nf
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+process TRNASCAN_SE {
+  tag "${meta.id}"
+  input:
+    tuple val(meta), file(assembly_file)
+  output:
+    tuple val(meta), path("trnascan_se.gff"), emit: gff
+    path "v_tRNAscan.txt", emit: v_tRNAscan
+  script:
+  """
+    tRNAscan-SE -B --gff trnascan_se.gff  --thread ${task.cpus} --stats trnascan_se.log  ${assembly_file}
+    tRNAscan-SE -h 2> v_tRNAscan.txt
+  """
diff --git a/subworkflows/02_assembly.nf b/subworkflows/02_assembly.nf
index 84117284a987587fbd6741a457ddd7f3a662b4c0..fe90d448a0c7d68b5b231f95cadca428f5a889de 100644
--- a/subworkflows/02_assembly.nf
+++ b/subworkflows/02_assembly.nf
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-include { METASPADES; MEGAHIT; HIFIASM_META; METAFLYE } from '../modules/assembly'
+include { METASPADES; MEGAHIT; HIFIASM_META; METAFLYE; RENAME_CONTIGS } from '../modules/assembly'
 include { QUAST as ASSEMBLY_QUAST} from '../modules/metaquast'
 include { READS_DEDUPLICATION } from '../modules/reads_deduplication'
 include { MINIMAP2 } from '../modules/read_alignment'
-include { SAMTOOLS } from '../modules/read_alignment_metrics'
+include { GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS } from '../modules/read_alignment_manipulation'
 workflow STEP_02_ASSEMBLY {
-  reads
-  assembly
-  has_assembly
-  assembly_tool
+    reads
+    assembly
+    has_assembly
+    assembly_tool
     ch_assembler_v = Channel.empty() 
@@ -47,40 +47,40 @@ workflow STEP_02_ASSEMBLY {
-    ASSEMBLY_QUAST( ch_assembly,"02_assembly/quast_primary")
+    ch_assembly_renamed = RENAME_CONTIGS(ch_assembly)
+    ASSEMBLY_QUAST( ch_assembly_renamed,"02_assembly/quast_primary")
     ch_assembly_report = ASSEMBLY_QUAST.out.report
     ch_quast_v = ASSEMBLY_QUAST.out.v_quast
-    ch_dedup = Channel.empty() 
     ch_idxstats = Channel.empty()
-    ch_dedup_report = Channel.empty()
     ch_flagstat = Channel.empty()
     ch_reads = reads
-    ch_contigs_and_reads = ch_assembly.join(ch_reads, remainder: true)
+    ch_contigs_and_reads = ch_assembly_renamed.join(ch_reads, remainder: true)
     if ( params.type.toUpperCase() == "SR" ) {
       READS_DEDUPLICATION ( ch_contigs_and_reads )
-      ch_dedup = READS_DEDUPLICATION.out.dedup
-      ch_idxstats = READS_DEDUPLICATION.out.idxstats
-      ch_flagstat = READS_DEDUPLICATION.out.flagstat
+      ch_reads = READS_DEDUPLICATION.out.dedup_reads
+      ch_bam = READS_DEDUPLICATION.out.bam
       ch_bwa_mem_v = READS_DEDUPLICATION.out.v_bwa_mem2
-      ch_samtools_v = READS_DEDUPLICATION.out.v_samtools
     } else {
-      ch_dedup = ch_reads
-      if (!params.skip_filtering) { 
         ch_bam = MINIMAP2.out.bam
-        SAMTOOLS(ch_bam, "02_assembly")
-        ch_idxstats  = SAMTOOLS.out.sam_idxstat
-        ch_flagstat =  SAMTOOLS.out.sam_flagstat
         ch_minimap2_v = MINIMAP2.out.v_minimap2
-        ch_samtools_v = MINIMAP2.out.v_samtools
-      }
+    GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS(ch_bam, "02_assembly")
+    ch_idxstats  = GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS.out.sam_idxstat
+    ch_flagstat =  GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS.out.sam_flagstat
+    ch_coverage =  GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS.out.sam_coverage
+    ch_samtools_v = GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS.out.v_samtools
     ch_software_versions = ch_assembler_v.first().mix( ch_quast_v.first(),
@@ -88,10 +88,12 @@ workflow STEP_02_ASSEMBLY {
-    assembly = ch_assembly
-    dedup = ch_dedup
+    assembly = ch_assembly_renamed
+    reads = ch_reads
+    bam = ch_bam
     idxstats = ch_idxstats
     flagstat = ch_flagstat
+    coverage = ch_coverage
     assembly_report = ch_assembly_report
     software_versions = ch_software_versions
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subworkflows/03_filtering.nf b/subworkflows/03_filtering.nf
index b13e4900c335639aef1a8fba745aef9762424799..be38cd68cfb37858a6a386553a46f73cd1f58017 100644
--- a/subworkflows/03_filtering.nf
+++ b/subworkflows/03_filtering.nf
@@ -1,14 +1,25 @@
 include { CHUNK_ASSEMBLY_FILTER; MERGE_ASSEMBLY_FILTER} from '../modules/filtering_cpm.nf'
-include { QUAST as FILTERED_QUAST } from '../modules/metaquast'
+include { QUAST } from '../modules/metaquast'
+include { MINIMAP2; BWA_MEM } from '../modules/read_alignment'
-    assembly_and_idxstats
+    assemblies
+    idxstats
+    bam
+    ch_chunk_assembly_for_filter = assemblies
+                                  .splitFasta(by: 100000, file: true)
+    ch_assembly_and_idxstats = ch_chunk_assembly_for_filter
+                                .combine(idxstats, by:0)
-      assembly_and_idxstats,
+      ch_assembly_and_idxstats,
     ch_chunk_selected =  CHUNK_ASSEMBLY_FILTER.out.chunk_selected
@@ -28,12 +39,67 @@ workflow STEP_03_ASSEMBLY_FILTER {
     ch_merged_selected = MERGE_ASSEMBLY_FILTER.out.merged_selected
+    discarded_contigs = MERGE_ASSEMBLY_FILTER.out.merged_discarded
+   // Differentiate sample with and without discarded_contigs 
+   // samples with no discarded_contigs are not going to be processed to process 
+   discarded_contigs_category = discarded_contigs.branch{
+                              without: it[1].isEmpty() 
+                              with: !it[1].isEmpty() 
+                              }
+   samples_without_discarded_contigs = discarded_contigs_category.without.map{ it -> it[0]}
+   ch_bam_of_sample_without_discarded_contigs = samples_without_discarded_contigs.join(bam)
+  ch_discarded_contigs_and_bam = discarded_contigs_category.with.join(bam)
+  FILTER_BAM(ch_discarded_contigs_and_bam)
+  ch_discarded_bam = FILTER_BAM.out.discarded_contigs_bam
+  ch_selected_bam = FILTER_BAM.out.selected_contigs_bam 
+  if ( params.type.toUpperCase() == "SR" ) {
+        ch_discarded_reads = EXTRACT_PAIRED_READS(ch_discarded_bam)
+        ch_contigs_and_discarded_reads = ch_merged_selected.join(ch_discarded_reads) 
-    FILTERED_QUAST( ch_merged_selected, "03_filtering/quast_filtered" )
-    ch_filtered_report = FILTERED_QUAST.out.report
+        BWA_MEM(ch_contigs_and_discarded_reads, "03_filtering")
+        ch_bam_with_discarded_reads = BWA_MEM.out.bam
+  } else {
+        ch_discarded_reads = EXTRACT_SINGLE_READS(ch_discarded_bam)
+        ch_contigs_and_discarded_reads = ch_merged_selected.join(ch_discarded_reads) 
+        MINIMAP2(ch_contigs_and_discarded_reads, "03_filtering")
+        ch_bam_with_discarded_reads = MINIMAP2.out.bam
+  }
+   // remove bai from ch_bam_with_discarded_reads and add bam of selected contigs
+  ch_bam_to_merge = ch_bam_with_discarded_reads.map{ it -> [it[0], it[1]]}.join(ch_selected_bam)
+  ch_merged_bam = MERGE_BAM_FILES(ch_bam_to_merge)
+   ch_final_bam = ch_bam_of_sample_without_discarded_contigs.mix(ch_merged_bam)
+  GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS(ch_final_bam, '03_filtering/')
+  ch_flagstat =  GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS.out.sam_flagstat
+  ch_coverage =  GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS.out.sam_coverage
+  QUAST( ch_merged_selected, "03_filtering/quast_filtered" )
+  ch_quast_report = QUAST.out.report
-    selected = ch_merged_selected
-    report = ch_filtered_report
\ No newline at end of file
+    selected_contigs = ch_merged_selected
+    quast_report = ch_quast_report
+    bam = ch_final_bam
+    sam_coverage = ch_coverage
+    sam_flagstat = ch_flagstat
diff --git a/subworkflows/04_structural_annot.nf b/subworkflows/04_structural_annot.nf
index 61bff361e55fc240ffabdaeda83f5ceb9070c3a1..49841efd8fefc08910d4463108fea3820a57293b 100644
--- a/subworkflows/04_structural_annot.nf
+++ b/subworkflows/04_structural_annot.nf
@@ -1,19 +1,31 @@
-include { PROKKA; RENAME_CONTIGS_AND_GENES } from '../modules/prokka'
+include { PRODIGAL } from '../modules/prodigal'
+include { BARRNAP } from '../modules/barrnap'
+include { TRNASCAN_SE } from '../modules/trnascan_se'
+include { MERGE_ANNOTATIONS } from '../modules/merge_annotations'
   take: assembly
-    PROKKA( assembly )
-    ch_software_versions = PROKKA.out.v_prokka.first()
-    RENAME_CONTIGS_AND_GENES(PROKKA.out.prokka_results)
+    PRODIGAL( assembly )
+    BARRNAP( assembly )
+    TRNASCAN_SE( assembly )
+    annotations_ch = assembly.join(PRODIGAL.out.faa).join(PRODIGAL.out.gff).join(BARRNAP.out.gff)
+                                              .join(TRNASCAN_SE.out.gff)
+    MERGE_ANNOTATIONS(annotations_ch)
+    ch_software_versions = PRODIGAL.out.v_prodigal.first()
+    ch_software_versions = PRODIGAL.out.v_prodigal.first().mix( BARRNAP.out.v_barrnap.first(), 
+                                                                TRNASCAN_SE.out.v_tRNAscan.first())
-    report = PROKKA.out.report
-    fna = RENAME_CONTIGS_AND_GENES.out.fna
-    ffn = RENAME_CONTIGS_AND_GENES.out.ffn
-    gff = RENAME_CONTIGS_AND_GENES.out.gff
-    faa = RENAME_CONTIGS_AND_GENES.out.faa 
-    prot_length = RENAME_CONTIGS_AND_GENES.out.prot_length 
+    report = MERGE_ANNOTATIONS.out.report
+    ffn = MERGE_ANNOTATIONS.out.ffn
+    gff = MERGE_ANNOTATIONS.out.gff
+    faa = MERGE_ANNOTATIONS.out.faa
     software_versions = ch_software_versions
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subworkflows/05_alignment.nf b/subworkflows/05_alignment.nf
index 1d7c54350f72445779c076e2960f26587b03c65a..990223080f9035a29a23d1e177f7bece3d46eeef 100644
--- a/subworkflows/05_alignment.nf
+++ b/subworkflows/05_alignment.nf
@@ -1,37 +1,13 @@
-include { MINIMAP2; BWA_MEM } from '../modules/read_alignment'
-include { SAMTOOLS } from '../modules/read_alignment_metrics'
 include { DIAMOND } from '../modules/diamond'
 workflow STEP_05_ALIGNMENT {
-        contigs_and_reads
-        ch_bwa_mem_v = Channel.empty()
-        ch_minimap2_v = Channel.empty()
-        ch_samtools_v = Channel.empty()
         ch_diamond_v = Channel.empty()
-        publishDir = "05_alignment/05_1_reads_alignment_on_contigs"
-        if (params.type == 'SR') {
-            BWA_MEM(contigs_and_reads, publishDir)
-            ch_bam = BWA_MEM.out.bam
-            ch_bwa_mem_v = BWA_MEM.out.v_bwa_mem2
-            ch_samtools_v = BWA_MEM.out.v_samtools
-        } else {
-            MINIMAP2(contigs_and_reads, publishDir)
-            ch_bam = MINIMAP2.out.bam
-            ch_minimap2_v = MINIMAP2.out.v_minimap2
-            ch_samtools_v = MINIMAP2.out.v_samtools
-        }
-        SAMTOOLS(ch_bam, publishDir)
-        ch_sam_coverage = SAMTOOLS.out.sam_coverage
-        ch_sam_flagstat = SAMTOOLS.out.sam_flagstat
         ch_m8 =Channel.empty()
         if (!params.skip_func_annot || !params.skip_taxo_affi){
@@ -42,13 +18,7 @@ workflow STEP_05_ALIGNMENT {
             ch_m8 = DIAMOND.out.m8
             ch_diamond_v = DIAMOND.out.v_diamond
-        ch_software_versions = ch_bwa_mem_v.first().mix(ch_minimap2_v.first(),
-                                                       ch_samtools_v.first(),
-                                                       ch_diamond_v.first())
-        bam = ch_bam
         m8 = ch_m8
-        sam_coverage = ch_sam_coverage
-        software_versions = ch_software_versions
-        sam_flagstat = ch_sam_flagstat
+        software_versions = ch_diamond_v.first()
diff --git a/subworkflows/07_taxonomic_affi.nf b/subworkflows/07_taxonomic_affi.nf
index d1042c07ba7a873ae86b1083ea589d586a6ac3d7..8eb26400f25ba65fe4c3f3d8dda3acc8f3e58330 100644
--- a/subworkflows/07_taxonomic_affi.nf
+++ b/subworkflows/07_taxonomic_affi.nf
@@ -7,10 +7,8 @@ workflow STEP_07_TAXO_AFFI {
         diamond_result // channel: [ val(meta), path(diamond_file) ]
         sam_coverage // channel: [ val(meta), path(samtools coverage) ]
-        prot_length  // channel: [ val(meta), path(prot_length) ]
         ch_assign_taxo_input = diamond_result.join(sam_coverage, remainder: true)
-                                             .join(prot_length, remainder: true)
         ASSIGN_TAXONOMY ( taxonomy, ch_assign_taxo_input )
diff --git a/subworkflows/08_binning.nf b/subworkflows/08_binning.nf
index 97df1a6a74234e90e106b75e4a962aea98c20756..59b9c7b7b7dbf16051dfb3d0c38c4d4370f24e92 100644
--- a/subworkflows/08_binning.nf
+++ b/subworkflows/08_binning.nf
 include { CHECKM2 } from '../modules/checkm2'
 include { DREP } from '../modules/drep'
 include { BWA_MEM;BWA_MEM as BWA_MEM_CROSS_ALIGNMENT; MINIMAP2; MINIMAP2 as MINIMAP2_CROSS_ALIGNMENT } from '../modules/read_alignment'
-include { SAMTOOLS } from '../modules/read_alignment_metrics'
+include { GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS } from '../modules/read_alignment_manipulation'
 include { GTDBTK } from '../modules/gtdbtk'
 include { GENOMES_ABUNDANCES_PER_SAMPLE; ADD_QUAST_INFO_TO_BINS; BINS_STATS_TO_MUTLIQC_FORMAT} from '../modules/sum_up_bins_informations'
@@ -213,11 +213,11 @@ workflow STEP_08_BINNING {
   ch_collect_coverages = Channel.empty()
   ch_collect_flagstats = Channel.empty()
-  SAMTOOLS(ch_bam, "08_binning/08_4_mapping_on_final_bins/stats")
+  GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS(ch_bam, "08_binning/08_4_mapping_on_final_bins/stats")
-  ch_collect_coverages = SAMTOOLS.out.sam_coverage.map {id, file -> file}
+  ch_collect_coverages = GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS.out.sam_coverage.map {id, file -> file}
-  ch_collect_flagstats = SAMTOOLS.out.sam_flagstat.collect()
+  ch_collect_flagstats = GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS.out.sam_flagstat.collect()
   GENOMES_ABUNDANCES_PER_SAMPLE(ch_collect_coverages, ch_collect_flagstats, \
    ch_bins_drep, DREP.out.output_drep_stats, GTDBTK.out.gtdbtk_affiliations_predictions,