diff --git a/nimble/model12-M1/simulation_model12-M1.R b/nimble/model12-M1/simulation_model12-M1.R
index 102f2ce1697b452e9be47c87ea184d2b903f91c2..48f4f49e0961a5d846c71231104334e2bf06099d 100644
--- a/nimble/model12-M1/simulation_model12-M1.R
+++ b/nimble/model12-M1/simulation_model12-M1.R
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tStop          = 365 ## For 30 day prediction beyond day 80
 initWildboarM1 = setWildBoarModelInitialValues(Hex     = hexM1,
                                                bboxHex = bboxM1,
                                                tStop   = tStop,
-                                               pHome   = pHomeSim4km[1]/sum(pHomeSim4km)
+                                               pHome   = pHomeSim4km
 constWildboarM1 = setWildBoarModelConstants(Hex          = hexM1,
                                             HexCentroids = hexCentroidsM1,
@@ -122,20 +122,19 @@ nSteps1 = nSteps + 1
+cWildBoarModelM1$sampleEboar <- 0
+Mean                         <- seq(2,16,by=2)
+WB_data                      <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(hexM1),ncol=length(Mean))
+colnames(WB_data)            <- paste0("Density",Mean)
+Emergence_date               <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(hexM1),ncol=length(Mean))
 # function rWBdensity(Mean[i],SD=20,hexM1)
 for (i in 1:length(Mean)){
-  hexM1sim<-rWBdensity(Mean[i],SD=2,hex=hexM1)
-  WB_data[,i]=hexM1sim$E_wildboar
-  cWildBoarModelM1$Eboar<-hexM1sim$E_wildboar
+  hexM1sim               <- rWBdensity(Mean[i],SD=2,hex=hexM1)
+  WB_data[,i]            <- hexM1sim$E_wildboar
+  cWildBoarModelM1$Eboar <- hexM1sim$E_wildboar
   simulate(cWildBoarModelM1, detNodes)
-  simE <- t(cWildBoarModelM1$epidemic[iE, 1:nSteps1, 1:nPops])
-  Emergence_date[,i]=apply(simE,1, function(x) min(which(x>0)))-1
+  simE                   <- t(cWildBoarModelM1$epidemic[iE, 1:nSteps1, 1:nPops])
+  Emergence_date[,i]     <- apply(simE,1, function(x) min(which(x>0)))-1
 Emergence_date[sapply(Emergence_date, is.infinite)]<- NA
 colnames(Emergence_date)=paste0("Emergence_mean", Mean)
@@ -147,53 +146,65 @@ hexSim <- hexM1sim %>% select(!"E_wildboar") %>% cbind(Emergence_date) %>% cbind
 for(m in Mean){
-  map1_rWBdensity[[which(m==Mean)]] <- tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(paste0("Density",m), breaks=sort(unique(c(0,1,pretty(c(1,max(WB_data)))))), legend.show = FALSE) 
+  map1_rWBdensity[[which(m==Mean)]] <- tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(paste0("Density",m), breaks=sort(unique(c(0,1,pretty(c(1,max(WB_data)))))), legend.show = FALSE)
-map1_rWBdensity[[1+which(m==Mean)]] <- tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(paste0("Density",m),title="Density", breaks=sort(unique(c(0,1,pretty(c(1,max(WB_data))))))) + 
-  tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(col="white", border.col="white") + tm_layout(legend.position = c ("LEFT", "TOP")) 
+map1_rWBdensity[[1+which(m==Mean)]] <- tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(paste0("Density",m),title="Density", breaks=sort(unique(c(0,1,pretty(c(1,max(WB_data))))))) +
+  tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(col="white", border.col="white") + tm_layout(legend.position = c ("LEFT", "TOP"))
-X11() # show the map in a new window
+# X11() # show the map in a new window
+## R0 maps ##
+### doesn't find hex$E_wildboar within get_R0
+hexSim$R0 <- get_R0(hexSim, mu = 1/(5*365), model=cWildBoarModelM1, densityCol="Density2")
+print(tm_shape(hexSim)+tm_polygons(paste0("R0"), breaks=sort(unique(c(0,1,pretty(hexSim$R0))))))
+hexSim$R0_Neigh <- get_R0_Neigh(hexSim, mu = 1/(5*365),neighVec=neighVec, model=cWildBoarModelM1)
 for(m in Mean){
-  map2_rWBdensity[[which(m==Mean)]]<-tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(paste0("Emergence_mean",m), legend.show = FALSE) 
+  map2_rWBdensity[[which(m==Mean)]]<-tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(paste0("Emergence_mean",m), legend.show = FALSE)
 map2_rWBdensity[[1+which(m==Mean)]]<-tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(paste0("Emergence_mean",m), title = "Emergence_mean") +
   tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(col="white", border.col="white") + tm_layout(legend.position = c ("LEFT", "TOP"))
-X11() # show the map in a new windo
+# X11() # Open a new window for plotting figures
+cWildBoarModelM1$sampleEboar <- 0
+SD                           <- seq(0,10,by=2)
+SD_data                      <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(hexM1),ncol=length(SD))
+Emergence_date               <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(hexM1),ncol=length(SD))
 for (i in 1:length(SD)){
-  hexM1sim<-rWBdensity(SD[i],Mean=16,hexM1)
-  SD_data[,i]=hexM1sim$E_wildboar
-  cWildBoarModelM1$Eboar<-hexM1sim$E_wildboar
+  hexM1sim               <- rWBdensity(SD[i],Mean=16,hexM1)
+  SD_data[,i]            <- hexM1sim$E_wildboar
+  cWildBoarModelM1$Eboar <- hexM1sim$E_wildboar
   simulate(cWildBoarModelM1, detNodes)
-  simE <- t(cWildBoarModelM1$epidemic[iE, 1:nSteps1, 1:nPops])
-  Emergence_date[,i]=apply(simE,1, function(x) min(which(x>0)))-1
+  simE                   <- t(cWildBoarModelM1$epidemic[iE, 1:nSteps1, 1:nPops])
+  Emergence_date[,i]     <- apply(simE,1, function(x) min(which(x>0)))-1
 Emergence_date[sapply(Emergence_date, is.infinite)]<- NA
-colnames(Emergence_date)=paste0("Emergence_SD", SD)
-hexSim <- hexM1sim %>% select("E_wildboar") %>% cbind(Emergence_date)
+colnames(Emergence_date) <- paste0("Emergence_SD", SD)
+hexSim                   <- hexM1sim %>% select("E_wildboar") %>% cbind(Emergence_date)
 print(tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(paste0("Emergence_SD",max(SD))))
@@ -224,10 +235,10 @@ neighVec=attributes(hexM1)$neighVec
 for(m in Mean){
-  map1_rWB[[which(m==Mean)]] <- tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(paste0("Density",m), breaks=sort(unique(c(0,1,pretty(c(1,max(WB_data)))))), legend.show = FALSE) 
+  map1_rWB[[which(m==Mean)]] <- tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(paste0("Density",m), breaks=sort(unique(c(0,1,pretty(c(1,max(WB_data)))))), legend.show = FALSE)
-map1_rWB[[1+which(m==Mean)]] <- tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(paste0("Density",m),title="Density", breaks=sort(unique(c(0,1,pretty(c(1,max(WB_data))))))) + 
-  tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(col="white", border.col="white") + tm_layout(legend.position = c ("LEFT", "TOP")) 
+map1_rWB[[1+which(m==Mean)]] <- tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(paste0("Density",m),title="Density", breaks=sort(unique(c(0,1,pretty(c(1,max(WB_data))))))) +
+  tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(col="white", border.col="white") + tm_layout(legend.position = c ("LEFT", "TOP"))
 X11() # show the map in a new window
@@ -237,7 +248,7 @@ tmap_arrange(map1_rWB)
 for(m in Mean){
-  map2_rWB[[which(m==Mean)]]<-tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(paste0("Emergence_mean",m), legend.show = FALSE) 
+  map2_rWB[[which(m==Mean)]]<-tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(paste0("Emergence_mean",m), legend.show = FALSE)
 map2_rWB[[1+which(m==Mean)]]<-tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(paste0("Emergence_mean",m), title = "Emergence_mean") +
   tm_shape(hexSim) + tm_polygons(col="white", border.col="white") + tm_layout(legend.position = c ("LEFT", "TOP"))
@@ -301,50 +312,9 @@ plot(WB_data,Emergence_date, xlab="Wild boar density", ylab="Day of emergence",
 #mu mortality rate, days
-get_R0<-function(hex, mu, model){
-  tauI = model$tauI
-  tauR = model$tauR
-  tauC = model$tauC
-  tauRot = model$tauRot
-  betaI = model$betaI
-  betaC = model$betaC
-  pHome = model$pHome
-  pAway              = 1-pHome
-  pHome_x_pHome      =   pHome*pHome
-  pAway_x_pAway      =   pAway*pAway
-  pContactIi = pHome_x_pHome + pAway_x_pAway/hex$nNeigh
-  pContactCi = pHome
-  R0_data <- round(hex$E_wildboar) * ( (betaI* pContactIi * tauI)/ ((tauR + tauC + mu)*(tauI + mu)) + (betaC * pContactCi * tauC * tauI) / (tauRot * (tauR + tauC + mu) * (tauI + mu)) )
-  return(R0_data)
 hexSim$R0 <- get_R0(hexSim, mu = 1/(5*365), model=cWildBoarModelM1)
 print(tm_shape(hexSim)+tm_polygons(paste0("R0"), breaks=sort(unique(c(0,1,pretty(hexSim$R0))))))
-get_R0_Neigh<-function(hex, mu,neighVec, model){
-  tauI = model$tauI
-  tauR = model$tauR
-  tauC = model$tauC
-  tauRot = model$tauRot
-  betaI = model$betaI
-  betaC = model$betaC
-  pHome = model$pHome
-  nNeigh=6
-  pAway              = 1-pHome
-  pHome_x_pAway      =   pHome*pAway
-  pAway_x_pAway      =   pAway*pAway
-  pContactIj = pHome_x_pAway*2/nNeigh + pAway_x_pAway*2 / (nNeigh*nNeigh)
-  pContactCj = pAway/nNeigh
-  neighStart = hex$neighStart           # Indicates start of sub-vector of neighVec for each hexagonal patch
-  neighEnd   = hex$neighEnd             # Indicates end   of sub-vector of neighVec for each hexagonal patch
-  #neighVec   = attributes(hex)$neighVec
-  EWB_neigh <- vector(mode="numeric", length=nrow(hex))
-  for (i in 1:nrow(hex)){
-    EWB_neigh[i] <- sum(round(hex$E_wildboar[neighVec[neighStart[i]:neighEnd[i]]]))
-  }
-  R0_Neigh = EWB_neigh * ((betaI* pContactIj * tauI)/ ((tauR + tauC + mu)*(tauI + mu)) + (betaC * pContactCj * tauC * tauI) / (tauRot * (tauR + tauC + mu) * (tauI + mu)) )
-  return(R0_Neigh)
 hexSim$R0_Neigh <- get_R0_Neigh(hexSim, mu = 1/(5*365),neighVec=neighVec, model=cWildBoarModelM1)
diff --git a/src/functions.R b/src/functions.R
index a81c88931b69fcdb64f51227c9db558d918c9fef..73d02b42a870fe26e66494fb4dd56c3edd316444 100644
--- a/src/functions.R
+++ b/src/functions.R
@@ -2514,75 +2514,74 @@ plot_region_at_risk <- function(
 # wild boar density log normal distribution
-rWBdensity <- function(Mean, SD, hex){
+rWBdensity <- function(Mean, SD, hex, Round=TRUE){
   if (SD>0){
-    Var=SD^2
+    Var   = SD^2
     sigma = sqrt(log(exp(log(Var)-2*log(Mean))+1))
-    mu= log(Mean) - (sigma^2/2)
-    hex$E_wildboar<-rlnorm(nrow(hex),meanlog=mu, sdlog=sigma )
+    mu    = log(Mean) - (sigma^2/2)
+    hex$E_wildboar = rlnorm(nrow(hex),meanlog =mu, sdlog=sigma)
   } else{
     hex$E_wildboar = Mean
+  if (Round)
+    hex$E_wildboar = round(hex$E_wildboar)
   hex$log10_ewb1 = log10(hex$E_wildboar +1)
-rWBdensity2 <- function(Mean, SD, hex, i){
+rWBdensity2 <- function(Mean, SD, hex, i, Round=TRUE){
   if (SD>0){
     sigma = sqrt(log(exp(log(Var)-2*log(Mean))+1))
     mu= log(Mean) - (sigma^2/2)
-    hex$E_wildboar[i]<-rlnorm(1,meanlog=mu, sdlog=sigma )
+    hex$E_wildboar[i] = rlnorm(1,meanlog=mu, sdlog=sigma )
   } else{
     hex$E_wildboar[i] = Mean
+  if (Round)
+    hex$E_wildboar[i] = round(hex$E_wildboar[i])
   hex$log10_ewb1[i] = log10(hex$E_wildboar[i] +1)
 rWB <- function(Mean, SD, hex, niter=0, hexCentroids, threshold=5/100){
-  Var=SD^2
-  sigma = sqrt(log(exp(log(Var)-2*log(Mean))+1))
-  mu= log(Mean) - (sigma^2/2)
-  #num<-0
-  center<-identify_center(hex=hex,hexCentroids=hexCentroids)
+  Var    = SD^2
+  sigma  = sqrt(log(exp(log(Var)-2*log(Mean))+1))
+  mu     = log(Mean) - (sigma^2/2)
+  center = identify_center(hex=hex,hexCentroids=hexCentroids)
   for (i in 1:nrow(hex)) {
     if (runif(1) < threshold | i==center){
       hex$E_wildboar[i] = rlnorm(1,meanlog=mu, sdlog=sigma )
       hex$log10_ewb1    = log10(hex$E_wildboar +1)
-      #num<-num+1
-      hex$E_wildboar[i] <- 0
+      hex$E_wildboar[i] = 0
-  #print(num)
   if (niter > 0){
     for (iter in 1:niter){
-      hexnew <- hex
+      hexnew = hex
       for (i in 1:nrow(hex)) {
         if (hex$E_wildboar[i]>0) {
-          #num2<-num2+1
-          voisin <- attributes(hex)$neighVec[hex$neighStart[i]:hex$neighEnd[i]]
+          voisin = attributes(hex)$neighVec[hex$neighStart[i]:hex$neighEnd[i]]
           for (j in voisin) {
             if (j >= 1 & j <= nrow(hex)) {
-              hexnew$E_wildboar[j] <- hex$E_wildboar[i]
+              hexnew$E_wildboar[j] = hex$E_wildboar[i]
-      hex=hexnew
-      #print(tm_shape(hexnew) + tm_polygons("E_wildboar"))
+      hex = hexnew
-  hex$E_wildboar=as.integer(hex$E_wildboar)
+  hex$E_wildboar = as.integer(round(hex$E_wildboar))
-  nPops = nrow(hex)
-  xIntro=mean(st_bbox(hex)[c(1,3)])
-  yIntro=mean(st_bbox(hex)[c(2,4)])
+  nPops     = nrow(hex)
+  xIntro    = mean(st_bbox(hex)[c(1,3)])
+  yIntro    = mean(st_bbox(hex)[c(2,4)])
   xCentroid = (hexCentroids %>% st_coordinates())[,"X"]
   yCentroid = (hexCentroids %>% st_coordinates())[,"Y"]
   distIntro = nimNumeric(length=nPops)
@@ -2592,3 +2591,50 @@ identify_center<-function(hex,hexCentroids){
   hexIntro = which(distIntro[1:nPops]==min(distIntro[1:nPops]))
+## Mahe's R0 functions ##
+get_R0 <- function(hex, mu, model, densityCol){
+  tauI = model$tauI
+  tauR = model$tauR
+  tauC = model$tauC
+  tauRot = model$tauRot
+  betaI = model$betaI
+  betaC = model$betaC
+  pHome = model$pHome
+  pAway         = 1-pHome
+  pHome_x_pHome =   pHome*pHome
+  pAway_x_pAway =   pAway*pAway
+  pContactIi    = pHome_x_pHome + pAway_x_pAway/hex$nNeigh
+  pContactCi    = pHome
+  WBdensity     = eval(parse(text=paste0("hex$",densityCol)))
+  R0_data       = WBdensity * ((betaI* pContactIi * tauI)/ ((tauR + tauC + mu)*(tauI + mu)) + (betaC * pContactCi * tauC * tauI) / (tauRot * (tauR + tauC + mu) * (tauI + mu)) )
+  return(R0_data)
+get_R0_Neigh<-function(hex, mu,neighVec, model, densityCol){
+  tauI          = model$tauI
+  tauR          = model$tauR
+  tauC          = model$tauC
+  tauRot        = model$tauRot
+  betaI         = model$betaI
+  betaC         = model$betaC
+  pHome         = model$pHome
+  nNeigh        = 6
+  pAway         = 1-pHome
+  pHome_x_pAway = pHome*pAway
+  pAway_x_pAway = pAway*pAway
+  pContactIj    = pHome_x_pAway*2/nNeigh + pAway_x_pAway*2 / (nNeigh*nNeigh)
+  pContactCj    = pAway/nNeigh
+  neighStart    = hex$neighStart           # Indicates start of sub-vector of neighVec for each hexagonal patch
+  neighEnd      = hex$neighEnd             # Indicates end   of sub-vector of neighVec for each hexagonal patch
+  EWB_neigh     = vector(mode="numeric", length=nrow(hex))
+  for (i in 1:nrow(hex)){
+    EWB_neigh[i] =- sum(round(hex$E_wildboar[neighVec[neighStart[i]:neighEnd[i]]]))
+  }
+  R0_Neigh = EWB_neigh * ((betaI* pContactIj * tauI)/ ((tauR + tauC + mu)*(tauI + mu)) + (betaC * pContactCj * tauC * tauI) / (tauRot * (tauR + tauC + mu) * (tauI + mu)) )
+  return(R0_Neigh)