@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ It allows you to choose the configuration profile among:
*`singularity` to analyze **your files** with metagWGS with **singularity containers**. You must have installed Singularity and downloaded the two Singularity containers associated to metagWGS (see [Installation page](https://forgemia.inra.fr/genotoul-bioinfo/metagwgs/-/blob/dev/docs/installation.md)). Thus, your results will be reproducible. **NOTE:** there is no definition of the type of cluster (SGE, slurm, etc) you use in this profile.
*`conda` to analyze **your files** with metagWGS with **conda environments** already defined. You must have installed Miniconda (see [here](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/linux.html)).
> **NOTE 1:** on [genologin cluster](http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/) Miniconda is already installed: you can search Miniconda module with `search_module Miniconda`. Use of `conda` profile is easier than `singularity` profile but your results will be less reproducible.
**NOTE 2:** there is no definition of the type of cluster (SGE, slurm, etc) you use in this profile.
*`genotoul` to analyze **your files** with metagWGS **on genologin cluster** with Singularity images `metagWGS.sif` and `eggnog_mapper.sif`.
*`test_genotoul_workq` to analyze **small test data files** (used in [I. Basic Usage](https://forgemia.inra.fr/genotoul-bioinfo/metagwgs/-/blob/dev/docs/usage.md#i-basic-usage)) with metagWGS **on genologin cluster** on the **`workq`** queue with Singularity images `metagWGS.sif` and `eggnog_mapper.sif`.